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After LASIK Eye Surgery: 10 Things to Expect During LASIK Recovery

With the advent of modern times, surgical procedures have become more and more convenient, advanced and safe. This also holds true when it comes to the human eyes. LASIK is an eye surgery done to restore proper eyesight in case of people who suffer from myopia, astigmatism, and even hyperopia. According to the FDA, the satisfaction rate of the LASIK eye surgery is somewhere between 93 percent to 98 percent. This clearly translates into the fact that LASIK is a relatively safe surgery for those who wish to get their eyesight restored and get rid of their eyeglasses.

However, simply getting the surgery done is not the only task. You need to get through the recovery period as well. The recovery period is a critical one though. The eyes are highly sensitive and need to be taken care of. Here is a brief yet informative list of things that you may experience during the LASIK recovery period. Have a look!

Mild Discomfort

LASIK eye surgery will always be followed by a little discomfort or grittyness in the operated eye(s). This is true for everyone who goes through with a LASIK eye operation. This mild discomfort can either be barely noticeable or really prominent, depending on the procedure of the surgery or the technology used for the procedure. People who go through a LASIK eye surgery usually wake up with a feeling that something is in their eyes. It is also important to remember that rubbing eyes is not an option as it may hinder the flap on the cornea. Usually pre op medications take care of these, however if it is very disturbing you should consult an eye doctor.


LASIK eye operations can sometimes lead to mild redness in the eyes. As a matter of fact, it is completely normal to have red spots on the white areas of the eye after a LASIK surgery for the next few days. And just like a bruise from an injury, the red spots will take their time to eventually disappear. There is no need to worry. However, intense care needs to be taken from the eyes to recover as fast as they can.

Blurry Eyesight For Sometime

Blurry vision is a common characteristic that patients experience immediately after the LASIK eye surgery. In the majority of the cases, people who undergo the procedure are able to see perfectly the next day after a day of the surgery, however, the vision may still be a little blurry for the next week or so. Simply put, the higher the original prescription of your eyes, the more time your vision will take to heal completely, and that too provided that you take really good care of your eyes and take all the necessary precautions.

Using Artificial Tears

This is yet another problem that people experience after the eye surgery. Ocular dryness means that the eyes get dry quickly and start to get irritated. This reaction is completely normal and there is nothing much to be concerned about. The surgeon will give you eye drops to keep your eyes hydrated and even prescribe you artificial tears to keep the eyes from unwanted infection and inflammation. Just keep in mind that you apply only prescribed eye drops if you wish for a fast and uninterrupted recovery.

Booking An Appointment For Follow-Up

Post operation follow-up appointments are crucial. After the LASIK operation, you need to fix follow-up appointments with your eye surgeon and get your corneas checked. Proper healing of the corneas is an absolute must and thus regular meetings with your doctor are really important. You may also discuss other elements with your doctor such as post-surgery symptoms. At the end of the day, the aim is to facilitate post-surgery healing and prevent any type of infection or obstacle that may hinder the healing process.

Using Eye Shields

The healing phase after the LASIK eye operation is critical simply because the eyes are sensitive after the procedure. They need utmost care and have to be provided with all the necessary resources that would facilitate a quick and smooth recovery. Keeping in mind that the eyes are especially sensitive during the recovery period, doctors would attach a pair of clear eye shields on your eyes via tape or give you protective glasses in order to prevent you from rubbing or touching your eyes. These shields will protect your eyes from any possible damage and hindrance.

Avoiding Eye Creams

Avoid all types of eye creams and make up around the eye area a day prior to the LASIK surgery and for a week after. This is simply because any form of makeup may increase the chances of unwanted debris getting into the eyes and causing undesirable pain, irritation, and discomfort. It may also lead to infections and inflammation. The motive is to keep anything that may harm the eyes or may cause post-surgery damage away from them at all costs.

Avoiding Swimming At All Costs

Post operation issues may arise if you indulge in an activity like swimming or anything that involves chlorinated waters. Chlorine leads to irritated eyes and that can result in post-operation damage to the eyes.

Avoiding Any Type Of Contact Sports

All types of strenuous activities should be avoided during this critical phase. Recovery is the topmost priority after LASIK eye surgery and indulging in contact sports or any physical activity that consists of excessive sweating can prove to be counterproductive.

Undesirable Short Term Visual Fluctuations

Vision fluctuation is highly common after a LASIK eye procedure. This is because, during a LASIK procedure, your corneas are basically reshaped and placed differently in order to give you a clearer vision and increase ocular acuity. Therefore, you need to wait till you get a more stabilized vision and that will only happen if you allow your newly replaced corneas to settle down and heal properly. Once the healing process is done with, you will experience the vision you always dreamed of.

Certain things To Avoid

You need to avoid smoke, dust, garden work, and makeup. These elements can act as intruding particles in the eye and cause unwanted hindrance. The doctor will also ask you to avoid the usage of desktops or laptops as they can put additional strain on already dry eyes. It will also be suggested to avoid submerging your head in water as doing this may allow easy passage to irritants into the eyes.

Hope you liked what you read!


©2018 Information on Contoura Vision Laser eye surgery for specs removal. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice by an Ophthalmologist. â€‹



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