LASIK is one of the most popular laser-based eye treatments that cure refractive vision problems like farsightedness, astigmatism, and nearsightedness. Millions of people around the globe choose this treatment every year to cure their eye problems.
During LASIK Surgery, surgeons make an incision across the cornea of the eye to reshape it with the purpose to correct the vision. Though LASIK eye surgery is considered safer than all other eye treatments, complication can occur in some procedures.
According to a recent study, mild complications can occur in one patient out of every 20 patients who undergo LASIK Lasereye surgery. So before going for a LASIK eye surgery, you should know about the LASIK Surgery side effects of the treatment and the risks associated with the surgery.
12 Common Risks and Side Effects of LASIK Eye Surgery Treatment
Many patients undergoing laser eye treatment worry about the safety of the procedure. Patients often ask doctors questions like “is laser eye surgery safe”. If you too want an answer to this question, then read the below-given LASIK Eye Surgery risks and side effects associated with the LASIK eye treatment.
1. Development Of Dry Eyes
The most common side effect of LASIK eye surgery is the development of dry eyes. It is a very common side effect of this treatment that can begin very soon after the surgery.In most cases, the dryness and redness disappear after some time. In a very few cases, it persists for a long time.In that case, a patient is advised to undergo dry eye problem to combat the problem.
2. Infection In Eyes
In some patients, after LASIK surgery, the infection starts in eyes but this side effect is extremely rare and can occur in one out of every thousand patients. The patient is provided drops by an ophthalmologist to get rid of the infection.The use of drops in eyes not just treats infection but also safeguard your eyes from strain.The regular after treatment appointments with a doctor will speed up the recovery of your eyes.
3. Under Corrected Eyes
Though the success percentage of LASIK Eye procedure tends to 100%, in some cases, the prescription fails to give desired results and results in under corrected eyes.The laser surgery doesn’t result in normal 20/20 vision. In some cases, the vision can deteriorate further instead of correcting it.
4. Over Correctness
In rare cases, LASIK eye surgery results in over correctness and converts long sightedness problem of eyes into Short Sightedness. But this problem can be rectified by Ophthalmologists,
5. Eye Injury
In some cases especially when the ophthalmologists are inexperienced, the laser rays penetrate beyond the eye surface and causes damage to it.Hence it is always advisable to get the surgery done only by only best eye specialist in Delhi. Best eye doctor in Delhi will make it sure you are in safe hands and surgery becomes a safe and successful treatment.
6. Temporary Visual Disturbances
Sometimes LASIK Eye surgery results in temporary visual disturbances and mild discomfort in the eyes. The visual disturbance can occur immediately after the treatment or during the first few days after the surgery. The patient can experience light sensitivity and mild irritation.
7. Glares and Halos
Some patients even complained of glares and halos but that is in very rare cases. Patients experience reduced acuity of vision and difficulty when driving at night. However good thing is that problems don’t stay for a long time and usually disappear in one or two months. In some cases, problems can continue for several months.
8. Flap Complications
During LASER eye surgery procedure ophthalmologists lift the flap of the cornea to reshape and then replace it with a natural bandage.The flap is cut on the front surface of the cornea. In some cases, the flap doesn’t heal completely and results in certain complications.
9. Irregular Astigmatism
Sometimes LASIK Eye Surgery can result in irregular astigmatism due to an unequal curved corneal surface. The laser correction is not centered properly on the eye or the flap has not healed properly. The astigmatism symptoms include double vision (ghost images). In most of the cases of astigmatism, the eyes need re-treatment or enhancement surgery.
10. Epithelial in growth:
Epithelial ingrowth results when epithelium cells (outer cornea) grows under the flap after the surgery. In some of the cases, it causes no issue to the patient but in some exceptional cases, it can cause discomfort and vision can become blur.To correct this problem, most times Ophthalmologists advise patients for additional surgery to remove epithelial cells.
11.Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK)
This condition which is also popular by the name "Sands of the Sahara,” results from the inflammation under the corneal flap. Some amount of inflammation after surgery is considered normal, but uncontrolled inflammation can delay healing and result in the loss of vision. The inflammation can subside by use of antibiotics or steroids. If medicines fail to treat inflammation, then ophthalmologists lift a flap and remove inflammatory cells to prevent damage to tissue.
12. Keratectasia
It is one more complication that can result from the bulging of the eye cornea. It occurs only when doctors remove too much tissue from the cornea of the eyes. It also results if the cornea prior to the surgery is weak. The problem can be corrected through a treatment called corneal collagen crosslinking to make cornea strong.
Despite these mild risks and side effects, LASIK is still considered the best option for correcting refractive vision problems because, in comparison to other treatments, LASIK is safer and secure. The results of the treatment are permanent and it takes just a few days to adjust your vision.
The treatment is painless and needs no stitches to heal the wounds. After LASIK treatment, maximum patients don’t need to wear glasses. The success percentage of the treatment is 99.9%, with 99.5% patients return to 20/20 vision.
An honest eye doctor in Delhi from best eye hospital in Delhi will always be very clear about what a patient can expect post-surgery. Once he/she will tell the patient about risks and side effects associated with LASIK surgery, then it will depend on the choice of a patient whether to sign the consent form or not.